Business Transformation
23/01/2022 2024-04-11 11:01Business Transformation
Do you want to take your business to the next level?
Is your business at a plateau and you are struggling to make more profit?
Do you feel mentally stuck as a business owner and emotionally frustrated?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, book your Business Transformation consultation session with coach Imad asap. He will not only help your business “thrive” but Transform to the next level. Irrelevant the industry, his strategic thinking, creativity, experience, and coaching tools will help you transform your mindset, gain more clarity about what you really want, create innovation solutions, and unleash new sources of revenue.
Meeting Coach Imad, for the first time and through a quick conversation, I realized what my passion is: Jewellery Design.
After COVID-19 and Beirut explosion, I told myself that there is no more time to postpone my dream.
I called coach Imad who was very welcoming to guide me to start my business.
After just 4 months of the interesting business coaching sessions, my dream came true: “Zoe Gems”.
Today, I cannot express how grateful I am, amidst the worldwide chaos, to be able to live my true self: doing the thing that brings me joy on daily basis”.
I remember one review of my clients: "You were born to do this".
Coach Imad was the one who helped me realize and acheive this.
Zeinab NasserEddine
Humanitarian Activist
If we were to add up Strategic Planning and Massive Action with the highest levels of Self-Worthiness, we would be speaking about one aspect of Coach Imad Abou Khalil's Transformation Trinity.
Leading a life of service, professionalism, and impact, I had the privilege to work with Coach Imad. From the simplest detail to the most sophisticated challenge, we tackle each matter separately, "chunking down the Elephant" no matter how big it is.
I discovered, alongside Coach Imad, that the real "drive" in life is Value-based first and foremost. And leading with value will by default lead to Results. I have learned from him that the more I unlock from within my internal powers the more I get on the outside.
It has been and still is, a journey every single day. I have become persistent, committed, and inspired, that I am invincible, no matter how many times I fall down, I always RAISE again stronger.
I have learned to work hard, laugh hard, and love those that matter to me to my fullest. At every encounter I think to myself, that this is as far as I can go, only to hear him say, "We are just at the very beginning."!
Hussein Joumaa
Financial Consultant
I have had the privilege of not only knowing Imad and learning from him but also of working alongside him on different projects and programs.
I found every one of them incredibly insightful and felt how each program under his leadership makes tremendous change and progress in his client’s personal growth. The results exceed your expectations and the insights you gain from working with him can benefit your whole life.
He is very knowledgeable and always manages to ask questions that you’ve never thought of before.
Actually, his innate ability to ask the right questions, listen actively, understand and provide clarity is very impressive.
I appreciate his value based approach.
Working with him is not only about getting things done but also to make a difference in people’s life.
With his style of coaching:
“What you dream about today, Tomorrow, it can become a reality”
“You being uncomfortable is a sign of your transformation.”
Sandy El Chaar
Psychologist | Existential Analysis and Logotherapy | Researcher
As a financial consultant, I work with corporates, SMEs, and startups, preparing business plans and complex financial models, helping my clients to reach their optimal financial performance.
On a personal level, I always had difficulties in managing my own finances and reaching financial freedom.
Even though I watched several related online webinars and courses presented by renowned business coaches, which lead to no real value or improving results.
Despite some reluctance at first, I participated to a workshop conducted by Imad Abou Khalil at SucceednLead titled “Learn and Grow Rich”.
Surprisingly, I was really impressed by the quality content of the workshop and the way Imad captivates the audience. To sum up, Imad taught us the secrets behind reprogramming the subconscious mind, in order to manifest abundance and financial growth. It is not only about working hard, it is about the spiritual, mental, and emotional relationship with money.
Zahy Rabahieh
Managing Director at Klever
I was lucky to get to know coach Imad at the very first stage of my company establishment in Lebanon. As I was going through many struggles on different levels, Coach Imad training’s helped me get on the right track and in setting up my time management skills, leadership qualities, and financial strategies. For the past years, Coach Imad has always been a real inspiration for me. He is passionate and energetic about people and their continuous growth. “Know your worth” are his words that got stuck in my head since day 1 and that I keep on repeating every day whenever I have to take any serious decision, either corporate or personal. Not only do I appreciate having coach Imad as a mentor and trainer for myself and my company, also I appreciate having him as an exceptional supportive friend.
Elsa Khalil
Founder & CEO of Khalil Services s.a.r.l
From having just an idea, to having a real internationally recognized and awarded startup, Imad helped me develop my skillset that I had zero experience in and expand my comfort zone to skyrocket my own and my startup's achievements.
I was completely unexposed, and now I am being featured in news and magazines in Lebanon, UAE and Europe. I can also proudly say that I made history by becoming the first Lebanese in 38 years to be one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the world in 2021 with JCI.